Monday, April 30, 2012

Large Rock Footprint - April 30, 2012

Large Rock Footprint - April 30, 2012

     I laid out this large rock footprint on a table on my back deck.  The large rock is about 5" long.   I might move it into the side garden. 

Sea Shell Pincushion - April 29, 2012

Sea Shell Pincushion - April 29, 2012

     I made another sea shell pincushion,  using pale blue satin and a pearl.  I love how it turned out.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sea Shell Footprint - April 28, 2012

Sea Shell Footprint - April 28, 2012

     I arranged this footprint using my sea shells.  I am going to move it to a table on my back deck.

Polished Rocks on Copper Tray - April 27, 2012

Polished Rocks on Copper Tray - April 27, 2012

          I love collecting rocks and used to have a rock tumbler/polisher.   <  I am in the process of buying another one >.    I polished these rocks that I collected from all over the world.  They have to tumbler in the little barrel with different grits for over a month.  Then they come out looking like this.   I have them arranged on a square copper tray on my coffee table at this time.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rock Footprint - April 26, 2012

Rock Footprint - April 26, 2012

    I gathered some rocks from under my deck and laid out out this rock footprint.   I have it on a small table on my back deck.   The largest rock is about 4" long.   I love how simple  "being creative"   can be.  <grin>

Polished Rocks Footprint - April 25, 2012

Polished Rocks Footprint - April 25, 2012

       I used to have a rock tumbler and polished many rocks from my yard.  I laid out this footprint and I'm going to keep it on the coffee table in my living room.   They largest rock is about 1 1/2" long.   My mind is always thinking of new things to do and make.

Sea Shell Pincushion - April 24, 2012

Sea Shell Pincushion - April 24, 2012

    I made this sea shell pincushion using a light blue satin fabric that looked like water to me.  I love how it turned out.

Sea Shell Pincushion - April 23, 2012

Sea Shell Pincushion - April 23, 2012

     I made this sea shell pincushion using a pale blue satin fabric  - cut into a small oval shape.  I then gathered it, added the pearl and hot glued it into this sea shell.  It's one of my favorites.

Bottle Cap Pincushion - April 22, 2012

Bottle Cap Pincushion - April 22, 2012

      I can't get enough of making these little pincushions  ( maybe because I have a lot of bottle caps in my collection).  Besides using them to make these pincushions,  I am also attaching them to magnets to use on my refrigerator  <  without the straight pin>.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bottle Cap Pincushion - April 21, 2012

Bottle Cap Pincushion - April 21, 2012

        I love making  these little bottle cap pincushions to use or give to friends.   I added a red bead to the top of this pincushion.

Sea Shell Pincushion - April 16, 2012

Sea Shell Pincushion - April 16, 2012

   I made this sea shell pincushion using a scrap of metallic blue fabric.  I love how it turned out.

Sea Shell Pincushion - April 15, 2012

Sea Shell Pincushion -  April 15, 2012

  I made this sea shell pincushion by gathering a circle of fabric and stuffing it before closing it tightly into a knot.  I added a pearl and glued it into a sea shell.   I used a shimmering aqua blue fabric.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Walnut Bunny - April 14, 2012

Walnut Bunny - April 14, 2012

      I also love doing woodworking.   I have a band saw and a drill press  <  besides other tools>   that I like to work with.  I drew a pattern and cut out this bunny from a wide piece of walnut that I had on hand.

Decorated Mini Gazing Ball - April 13, 2012

Decorated Mini Gazing Ball - April 13, 2012

   Here is another decorated gazing ball that I made to place in a flower pot.  I glued shiny discs onto an old plastic Christmas bulb and turned it upside down on a bamboo rod.

Beach Wreath - April 12, 2012

Beach Wreath - April 12, 2012

    I decorated this wreath for my little powder room.  I added seashells and a raffia bow on it.

Rag Doll - April 11, 2012

Rag Doll - April 11, 2012

    I have made a lot of rag dolls over the years.   I made this doll out of muslin and also made her pantaloons,  dress,  and a little teddy bear for her.  She sits in a chair in my study.

Decorated Mini Gazing Ball - April 10, 2012

Decorated Mini Gazing Ball - April 10, 2012

   I decorated plastic Christmas balls and turned them upside down on bamboo sticks in a few of my flower pots on my deck.   They bring color to the deck before I  can get plowers planted there.

Mini Gazing Balls in Clay Pots - April 9, 2012

Mini Gazing Balls in Clay Pots - April 9, 2012

    I made these mini gazing balls in little clay pots that I bought at the Dollar Store.  I used waterproof glue to attach old plastic Christmas balls into mini clay pots.  I am going to sit one of them on a table on my deck and give the others away to friends.

Chopstick Hair Picks - April 8, 2012

Chopstick Hair Picks - April 8, 2012

                 I took wooden chopsticks and sanded them to a point on one end.   I then added beads to a "head pin"  , drilled a tiny hole in the end and then glued the beads onto the top of the chopstick.   I can twirl my hair up and use these chopstick hair pick to hold it in place.This is the 2nd set of these that I have made.

Bottle Cap Pin Cushion - April 7, 2012

Bottle Cap Pin Cushion - April 7, 2012

     I made another bottle cap pin cushion using this bright "novelty" fabric that I had on hand.  After gathering a circle of fabric & stuffing it with fiberfill,  I glued it into a bottle cap.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Decorated Mini Gazing Ball - April 6, 2012

Decorated Mini Gazing Ball - April 6, 2012

     I made mini decorated gazing balls to put in my potted plants and my garden out of old plastic Christmas bulbs.  I used waterproof glue to add shiny discs.   This pot has orange stella d'oro flowers that will be blooming soon.

Chopstick Hair Picks - April 5, 2012

Chopstick Hair Picks - April 5, 2012

         I took wooden chopsticks and sanded them to a point on one end.   I then added beads to a "head pin"  , drilled a tiny hole in the end and then glued the beads onto the top of the chopstick.   I can twirl my hair up and use these chopstick hair pick to hold it in place.

Decorated Mini Gazing Ball - April 4, 2012

Decorated Mini Gazing Ball - April 4, 2012

         I found a lot of old plastic Christmas bulbs in a closet and wanted to use them for crafts.   I decorated some of them by gluing shiney discs on them with waterproof glue.   This way,  I can display them on a rod in potted plants on my deck and in my garden.  

Shoe Bottle Cap Pincushion - April 3, 2012

Shoe Bottle Cap Pincushion - April 3, 2012

      I made another pincushion in a bottle cap, using my  "shoe" fabric.

Beaded Icicles - April 2, 2012

Beaded Icicles - April 2, 2012

     I made more beaded icicles to add to my Christmas tree next year or to give to friends.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Light Bulb Bottle Cap Pincushion - April 1, 2012

Light Bulb Bottle Cap Pincushion - April 1, 2012

       I made this pincushion in a bottle cap, using this cute fabric that I had in my "stash".   I love how it turned out.

Lap Quilt - March 31, 2012

Lap Quilt - March 31, 2012

    I made this lap quilt for a good friend  from the "Yellow Brick Road" pattern by Terry Atkinson in Elk River, Mn.  I love her pattern and it is easy to make.  

Bee Bottle Cap Pincushion - March 30, 2012

Bee Bottle Cap Pincushion - March 30, 2012

   I made this bee bottle cap pincushion using one of my favorite novelty fabrics.